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If you are interested in learning more on your own about results-based management, below are links to 50 Results Based Management handbooks, guides and websites with other tools and opinions on results-based management, related topics on planning and evaluation, and information on the donor agencies' approaches to results-based management.
Readers can find the most recent reviews of Results-Based Management guides and tools at the Results-Based Management Websites Review, a blog written by Greg Armstrong.
The European Commission's Capacity4dev.eu knowledge sharing platform has a number of interesting documents on Results-Oriented Monitoring, indicator development, and other subjects on monitoring and evaluation, online courses and webinars and several groups with relevant discussions. Also of use in understanding the European approach to RBM is the Updated 2018 EU Development Results Framework. The 2020 EuropeAid Results Oriented Monitoring Handbook [See discussion of earlier versions] is focused more on managing the consultants conducting monitoring, than it is on the application of RBM to project management
To learn more about RBM training contact gregarmstrong@rbmtraining.com .
Updated November 2024
©Greg Armstrong 2022 All rights reserved.
The donor agenciy and development organization websites vary in quality, and they do not always implement their own results-based management guidelines, but if you are working with them, it is wise to know how the different agencies, at least in theory, approach results-based management. This page is updated regularly, but the links sometimes expire as the agencies archive their old material. If that happens, a search for the title can often find them in other locations. Many of the UN agencies' publicly accessible websites are available in http only, so secure mode in Firefox may not work. If that occurs, try the download in Http only, or use another browser
Greg Armstrong
Audio Podcasts available for listening or download that are relevant to results-based management and indicator development:
These websites have a variety of tools, opinions and news of potential relevance to people wanting to improve RBM skills: